Sunday, April 26, 2009

Decorate Your Plate with Strawberries

Strawberries are back (with flavor) in the local markets and are a favorite fruit at my house. They are super yummy in oatmeal, on Cheerios, with pancakes, all by themselves and of course, heavenly with any type of chocolate.

Create a pretty, edible and speedy garnish with strawberries and an egg slicer.

Wash your strawberries and leave on the stem.
Place the strawberry, stem side down, into your egg slicer.
Push the top of the egg slicer down to, but not through, the strawberry.
Lift the top of the egg slicer, remove the strawberry and using your thumb and forefinger, fan the slices of strawberry and put on the plate.

We had these strawberries with a luscious chocolate cake - happy birthday, mom!

1 comment:

  1. Bought an egg slicer at a garage sale on I know what to do with it
