- Cash Infuse your Holiday - Find something that works into the nooks and crannies of your everyday life and start a business. Start today and you could earn extra money to boost the holiday budget. Suggestions: Network marketing, organization, virtual assistant, focus group participation, anything your friends say, "Wow! You're good at that."
- Feed your Holiday - Homemade food gifts can be some of the very best because of the time and care that go into creating them. Preparing these gifts can be a great way to get the whole family involved. Many can be made well in advance of the holidays so your gift center is stuffed well before the Thanksgiving turkey! Suggestions: Homemade garden fresh salsa or preserves that have been canned, chocolate dipped pretzel rods, hot cocoa kits, herb infused cooking oils, spiced nuts, or a custom spice blend or rub with a recipe for use.
- Craft your Holiday - Crafty can be cool! There are tons of ideas out there that will flatter the diverse styles of your friends and family. Grab your significant other and or your kids and get crafting! Suggestions: Buy bulk plain note cards and envelope then create personalized stationary using stamps or stencils and give a set of eight cards and envelopes tied with a sweet bow, decorate ornaments, or check out Etsy just about everything handmade under the sun.
- Picture your Holiday - Get out the digital camera or just download the pictures already on your memory card and select a few favorites. Visit a website like Snapfish and check out the hundreds of gift ideas. There are often discounts for buying multiples.
- Trade your Holiday - Everyone loves the way you paint, cook, plant, arrange flowers, bargain shop, blog, whatever it is that everyone loves, give a gift certificate for your time to teach, help or do it for them. This is a great idea for a gift exchange for a group of friends.
How do you plan to pay for the holidays this year? Post your comment here.
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