I'm not an overly high maintenance gal but I do like my little luxuries. On occasion I like to have a piece of good chocolate before going to bed and I enjoy a pedicure from time to time but I digress, back to the beauty shower.
During the week it's shampoo, condition, body wash, wash the face and shave (if weather or clothing necessitates) in fifteen minutes or less. On the weekend, I linger and indulge myself in my shower. It goes something like this:
Before shower (12 minutes including mask time):
- Pull a clean towel from the linen closet (to use when the beauty shower is complete)
- Wash face in sink
- Tone (or use a facial wash with toner like the one found in Arbonne's FC 5 line)
- Apply mud mask (I have lots of recommendations here, let me know if you need any)
...sit in the super comfy chair in my room, feet propped up on the foot of the bed and breathe deeply with my eyes closed...inhale...pause...exhale...pause....repeat and clear my mind.
Ok, times up, hop in the shower.
Shower (about 20 minutes):
- Leave the mask on and shampoo, rinse and repeat. Yes, repeat. Not everyday, just on beauty shower day. It makes a difference.
- Apply a hair mask - just tried Arbonne's Sea Source mask and LOVED IT! (Yes, I'm turning into an Arbonne junkie)
- Rinse facial mask
- Exfoliate entire body with scrub of choice - I like olive oil and coarse sea salt (straight from the kitchen) but only if you aren't going anywhere because you'll smell like salad dressing all day but it does wonders for the skin.
- Wash body with luxurious body wash (Dove's sensitive skin formula is just fine)
- Rinse hair mask
- Work conditioner into hair and leave in
- Shave with a shave gel or cream
- Wash face
- Turn the temp down in the shower as cool as is comfortable and rinse the conditioner. This leaves super shiny hair.
Hop out of the shower:
- Slightly towel off
- Apply super luxurious moisturizer (Arbonne's 24 hour Sea Source moisturizer is my new fav - in one week the winter dry skin bumps on the backs of my upper arms vanished)
- Apply facial moisturizer and eye cream (I'm loving Arbonne's FC 5 line right now)
Approximately 30 - 45 minutes later it appears that I spent four or more hours at a spa for a fraction of the cost and am ready to conquer the weekend refreshed and revitalized.
I love my beauty shower! My husband always laughs at me but I'm pretty sure he likes the results of my beauty shower.